Posts Tagged ‘Respite Care’

5 Common Myths About Adult Day Care (Day Habilitation)

Posted on: March 21st, 2018 by Taylor | 2 Comments

Most people do not even realize that Adult Day Care is a service available that supports individuals with disabilities. It helps them more fully participate in the life of our community and make connections with people who are facing the similar barriers to independence. Adult Day Care, or more specifically Day Habilitation, has a central […]

Need a Break? Respite Care May Be the Ticket!

Posted on: December 14th, 2017 by Renee Williams | No Comments

As a family caregiver, you may feel less like the holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, and more like they’re the most stressful time of year! Providing in-home care for a loved one during the rest of the year, on top of all of life’s ongoing daily tasks in our own lives, […]

To the Rescue Helps You Find Balance as a Family Caregiver

Posted on: July 13th, 2017 by Renee Williams | No Comments

Think about your typical daily schedule for a moment. If it’s mostly comprised of meeting the needs of others – children, spouse, elderly parents, work requirements – we can draw two conclusions. One: you’re a family caregiver, perhaps also part of the sandwich generation (caring for both children and parents simultaneously). And two, you’re overloaded, […]

Caring From a Distance: Respite for Caregivers

Posted on: April 14th, 2017 by Renee Williams | 1 Comment

The latest senior stats are fascinating: We’re living, on average, 30 – 40 years longer than we did as recently ago as 1930. More than 76 million Baby Boomers are reaching or have already reached senior status. At latest count, more than 34 million Americans were serving as family caregivers for older loved ones. But […]