No Time for Home Cleaning? Here’s Why It’s Crucial to Your Health!

Posted on: November 16th, 2017 by Renee Williams | 4 Comments

cleaningHas life ever gotten in the way of maintaining your home to the standards you’d like? For example, are there times when dishes stacked in the sink, laundry piled to overflowing, and dust bunnies in the corners cause your stress meter to rise? It can quickly become overwhelming to manage the many intricate to-dos we face each day, and sometimes housework takes a back seat to more pressing needs.

However, recent studies are showing that there are actually a number of serious health risks that can result from letting home cleaning tasks slip. One study, for example, showed that seniors with cleaner homes had better overall health and were the most active.

According to Nicole Keith, lead researcher and professor at the Indiana University Department of Physical Activity, “At the end of the day, the interior condition of their house seemed to be the only thing affecting their physical activity. It was not at all what we expected.”

And the EPA concurs, sharing that the air quality inside our homes can be as much as five times more polluted than outdoor air, depending on the level of cleanliness. Add to that the fact that the typical individual spends a large quantity of time indoors – as much as 90% – and it becomes even more important to reduce toxins and maintain a sanitary environment.

In addition to the physical health benefits of having a clean home, the psychological rewards are equally important. The feeling of having an orderly, organized, sanitized home is therapeutic, and can improve our overall outlook on life.

At To The Rescue, we’re pleased to offer professional residential and commercial cleaning services to help those in our community experience improved health, reduced stress, and an enhanced sense of wellbeing. All of our commercial and home cleaning technicians:

  • Are fully trained, licensed, insured and bonded
  • Provide all cleaning supplies
  • Work according to your preferred schedule
  • Guarantee 100% satisfaction

Additionally, we help with a variety of services that many cleaning companies forego, such as organizing, packing for a move or downsizing, cleaning windows (inside and out), and so much more.

Serving areas of Colorado (720-851-2100) and Iowa (319-826-6068), we invite you to contact us at your convenience for a free consultation to learn about how our customized cleaning and housekeeping services can make life easier – and healthier – for you!

4 Responses

  1. It makes sense that you would want to work with services that guarantee satisfaction. They should be striving to make sure that you are doing what you should for others. A friend of mine looking for a house cleaning service would love knowing to check for this.

  2. Caden Dahl says:

    I do find myself sometimes thinking that I can’t keep up with all of the cleanings that I have to do at my home. Now as you said here, it would be a good idea to have it regularly done as if not, then there are some health risks associated. I do like how with the study you mentioned, that those with cleaner home were active. Maybe that’s a good reason for me to get up and get it done!

  3. I had no idea that letting home cleaning tasks slip could cause a number of real health risks and that seniors with cleaner homes had better overall health! In my opinion, having a residential cleaner come in would be helpful because they could bring everything back under control and keep it under control so that you can focus on the other things that demand your time. I will have to look for an expert residential cleaning service.

  4. If you are looking for a best house cleaning company. Please first check their reviews & reputation. After that hire someone.

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