Our Adult Day Care Program

Posted on: July 25th, 2016 by To The Rescue | 1 Comment

Medical advancements and new technologies have improved the lives of Americans and vastly boosted longevity. In fact, the average American is expected to live until nearly age 80.

As people age, many prefer to stay in their own homes, but they may require more and more care. As a caregiver, you may find yourself in a sandwich generation—raising your own children while also caring for aging parents or loved ones. If you also work outside the home, you may feel particularly stressed and stretched thin.

That’s where adult day care programs can help. If you’re caring for a loved one that is elderly, has special needs or is disabled, you’ll appreciate To The Rescue’s adult day care programs.

According to the National Adult Day Services Association, programs like ours provide a professional care setting in which older adults receive individualized services for all or part of the day.

Our loving, structured habilitation service is available for adults 18 and older. You can work or run errands, secure in the knowledge your parent or family member is safe. We provide peace of mind for hundreds of families.

At To The Rescue, we’re proud to offer older adults the ability to get out of the house, socialize, and feel a renewed sense of purpose.

Our program is fully accessible for individuals with disabilities and we can pick up and drop off your loved one from home.

We treat your loved one with the respect and dignity he or she deserves; the same type of excellent care you provide when your work and family circumstances allow you to do so. Whether you are providing partial or round-the-clock care, we know it’s an exhausting job. Let our skilled staff help you shoulder some of your caregiver responsibilities.

In addition to providing a secure daytime program, To The Rescue works with our clients to help them live stronger, healthier, more productive lives.

Among our many services for your loved one, we offer:

* Musical entertainment
* Social skills
* Holiday celebrations
* Cognitive and mental stimulation exercises
* Arts and crafts
* Daily living responsibilities including meal preparation, hygiene, and maintaining a home
* Language and self-advocacy skills

At To The Rescue, our goal is to simplify your life and help your loved one . . . all at an affordable price. We’ll work with you on payment plans and options. We accept private pay, waivers, grants for Douglas County residents, and long-term healthcare plans.

You’re not alone and To The Rescue is here to help you navigate the demanding role of caregiver.

We’re proud of our adult day programs and we’re proud of the work we do helping both individuals in need and their caregivers. Contact To The Rescue today for your free tour.

One Response

  1. Mike says:

    Nice post……………..

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